Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jamie Stewart

"this is my work space aka studio aka volcano aka hades aka moth orgy aka crammed with cum bath tub.

[Xiu Xiu should be listened to] on an asteroid where there is no oxygen so you do not have to hear it.

traveling makes my mind stop working. i can only make a vague outline of music in a little notebook. later when i get home there is a thick red marker that transfers the little note book idea into the big notebook.

oakland, torino, berlin, los angeles, iowa, sacramento and guantanamo [have inspired Dear God, I Hate Myself]

[i like to listen to music] in a car when i am far away from home but not on tour. i can concentrate but am also inspired by a new place.

la sala rosa in montreal, bowery ballroom in new york, london, the donau festival in krems austria, the lemp art center in st, louis [are my favourite venues]. the people there make a great place to play.

my little studio [inspires me], or at least it had better or i am fucked. it inspires me by always be so THERE all the time waiting for me to use it. it lends itself to writing because i can record my lame ideas there.

[Favourite records to listen to while traveling]

her finest hour by nina simone
the queen is dead by thee smithessssssssss
lamentate by arvo part
air above mountains by cecil taylor
the radio to hear new beats
any record that sounds new even though you have heard it 1000000 times. one needs to be stimulated when one is already being stimulated by newness. drink hot tea on a hot day."

Thanks to Jamie for the interview. Also up at:

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