Friday, November 27, 2009

Memory Tapes

"It amazes me how many people, including my friends, don't listen to music on real speakers or nice headphones anymore. I imagine a lot of people don't give music the time to make the right kind of sense to them and it's a shame. Would you have sex while you watch TV?

I'm from New Jersey, sort of the Pine Barrens area between Philly and the shore. It's a big influence on my writing... the combo of the suburban strip-mall thing that is very NJ and also the giant forrest; I like the hybrid of those elements. My friends and I used to take a boombox down to the beach at night and blast music...that was always a pretty ideal spot. I remember one time in particular we were making our way through the dunes in the dark and listening to "In Search Of Space" by Hawkwind... definitely a good way to hear that record.

I always liked house shows. It just feels more natural to be in someone's living room playing for people all around than to be up on a stage having an awkward conversation with some sound guy you can't really see or hear at the back of the room with a crowd of people at your feet.

[On inspiring places] The basement in my parents house was my room as a kid, it has never changed since the 70s and the decor is very of that era. I always used to love writing down there because I felt sort of out of time, [but] I'll write anywhere. My life is pretty fucked as far as my circumstances, so if I needed some sort of ideal zone to work I'd never get anything done!"

Thanks to Dayve for the Interview.

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